Cayston Access Program®

The Cayston Access Program (CAP) offers a central point of contact to help patients access CAYSTON and ALTERA® Nebulizer System resources

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Specialty Pharmacies
Financial Assistance
Cayston Access Program Enrollment
  • Verify patients' health insurance benefits
  • Assess patients' co-payment obligations and their coverage for CAYSTON
  • Connect patients to specialty pharmacies dispensing CAYSTON
  • For more information, call 1-877-7CAYSTON
Specialty Pharmacies

CAYSTON is distributed through a select group of specialty pharmacies and cannot be obtained through a retail pharmacy. Click below for a complete list of pharmacies.

Specialty Pharmacy List
Financial Assistance

Co-Pay Coupon Programs for Eligible Patients With Commercial Insurance

Several support programs may be available for patients that require assistance for access to their prescription.

CAYSTON Co-Pay Coupon Program

Patients with private insurance may be eligible to pay no more than $10 per fill. No monthly limit, but capped at 7 fills per calendar year up to a maximum value of $8000 annually.


  • Enrolled in the Cayston Access Program
  • Commercially insured
  • Prescriptions are not paid for in part or in full by any state or federally funded program, including but not limited to Medicare or Medicaid, VA, DOD, or TRICARE
  • Click here for additional Terms and Conditions

ALTERA co-pay coupon Program

Patients on CAYSTON may be eligible to save up to $430 when they pay a $10 co-pay for purchase of an ALTERA Nebulizer System or ALTERA replacement unit. Patients are eligible to receive up to 2 per year.


  • Enrolled in the Cayston Access Program
  • Commercially insured
  • Prescriptions are not paid for in part or in full by any state or federally funded program, including but not limited to Medicare or Medicaid, VA, DOD, or TRICARE
  • Click here for additional Terms and Conditions
Cayston Access Program Enrollment

Cayston Access Program (CAP) helps patients understand their coverage and identify financial support options to access CAYSTON® (aztreonam for inhalation solution). To enroll in CAP, an application must be completed by the patient and provider. The preferred method of submission is to fax the full completed form to the Cayston Access Program at 1-877-550-1705. A patient electronic signature can also be submitted at

Find the CAYSTON Access Program Enrollment Form
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CAP has dedicated customer service representatives by region to support you and your patients.
You can reach a representative at: 1-877-7CAYSTON.