Restarting CAYSTON®
How to partner with your patients
When your patients with Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pa) feel overwhelmed by cystic fibrosis (CF) treatments, partnering with them to make a plan can be the best solution for everyone. While you may not encourage a break from inhaled antibiotics, the reality is that breaks do happen.
CAYSTON should be administered 3 times a day, at least 4 hours apart, for a full 28-day course. If a patient has questions or concerns about managing their treatment with CAYSTON, here are some ways to empower them and start the very important conversation:
Set Expectations
To help with their restart, talk to your patients about the efficacy and safety of CAYSTON.
You may know about the progression of Pa in CF and how it can impact lung function when left untreated, but do your patients understand?12 They can learn more here.
Everyone’s different
In CF, symptoms of a Pa infection in the lungs may be well understood by patients; however, disease severity can affect an individual's unique experience with untreated Pa. If they've stopped treatment, help them recognize when it may be time to restart CAYSTON.
It’s OK to ask for help
Let them know there are others with CF who are managing multiple treatments in their daily life. Your patients may find it helpful to hear from others, like Chris who talks about coping with CF one mile at a time.

"Acknowledging your fear is critically important. It’s a valid response to life with a chronic progressive illness, and tamping it down and ignoring it does not resolve it or make it go away. Knowing when to ask for help is a critical part of managing life with CF."
–Chris, My Cayston Community™ Contributor
Inhaled antibiotics can improve the symptoms of Pa
Inhaled antibiotics are the only CF therapies indicated to improve respiratory systems in patients with CF and Pa.
How to get started
When your patients are ready to return to CAYSTON, remind them how to get started.